An active shop filled with lifelong machinists, mechanics, welders, and others often develops a casual atmosphere. Safety glasses are left unused, hearing protection is switched out for headphones, and gloves are kept long after they have worn out. That is why some of the most damaging business interruptions are when industrial experts with unblemished records stretching back decades unexpectedly injure themselves in ways only a novice would be expected to do. The fact is, no matter how many years of experience a person may accrue, the work never becomes less hazardous. Fortunately, there are many ways to ensure that safety, and your top performers, never become a casualty.
No one can follow a rule that does not exist, and until your safety policies are clear and detailed, they may as well be made up by each person on the floor. Fortunately, codifying your company's policies not only improves worker safety, but improves perceived fairness, and often makes it easier to train new hires and share the wealth of experience you and your best people have accumulated. Learn more .
Machine guards, welding curtains, emergency showers, and dozens of other critical safety measures may be necessary for the work that you do...and, if not overseen by a safety professional, may have been setup or maintained in a way that creates new hazards. Whether you need a single audit or regular checks, we can evaluate the hazards you face and the safeguards in place. Learn more.
New hires, and old hands alike not only benefit from safety training, but in some cases are legally required to undergo training every year, as is the case with Hazard Communications and the relatively new Global Harmonization Standard. We provide extensive training options, many of which can be customized to suit your specific operations. We can perform these trainings at or near your facilities, and combine presentation with interactive demonstrations of understanding to reinforce topic retention and demonstrate its application. Learn more.